SolBridge News

SolBridge Debate Society Claims World Novice EFL Championship

Category : [2023]| Writer : SolBridge | Date : 2023.04.10 | Hit : 23,019


SolBridge Debate Society (SDS) has once again shown their excellence by winning the World Novice Debating Championship (WNDC) in the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) category. SDS A, represented by Aikokul Abdivalieva, Nguyen Quoc Trung Duc, and Zhyldyzai Muratbekova, emerged as the tournament champions held on March 25-26, which featured novice debaters from various countries across the globe.

Debated in Asian Parliamentary (AP) format, each round had two teams of three members. The tournament saw participants from countries such as South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, India, Macau, Bangladesh, and Nigeria. SDS A advanced to the elimination rounds as the top-ranked EFL team after a rigorous preliminary round. In the EFL Grand Finals, they went head-to-head with Kyunghee University of South Korea, securing a unanimous decision to be crowned the World Novice EFL Champions.

The SDS team showed individual brilliance as well, with Aikokul Abdivalieva earning the Grand Finals Best Speaker and 4th EFL Best Speaker awards, while Nguyen Quoc Trung Duc was awarded 5th EFL Best Speaker.

We congratulate SDS on their latest triumph, which underscores the legacy of excellence established by the society against top institutions.

We also congratulate Professor Chris Jo for coaching the team and Professors Joshua Park and Danielle Swanepoel for their advisory support for SDS.

