SolBridge News

SolBridge Debate Society (SDS) win at the 2021 Korea National Championship

Category : [2021]| Writer : SolBridge | Date : 2021.02.05 | Hit : 40,108

Last month, SolBridge Debate Society won the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) category of the Korea National Championship (KNC) hosted by Korea University. SolBridge was represented by four teams that competed with several top universities in Korea, including Korea University, Sogang University, Seoul National University, Ehwa Women's University, and Yonsei University.  

Boburmirzo Sirojiddinov and Le Hoang Giang came out victorious and were unanimously voted as the EFL Grand Champions of KNC 2021. Le Hoang Giang earned the title of the best EFL overall speaker, while Boburmizo Sirjiddinov received the EFL finalist best speaker's title.

Additionally, Houmyean Lim played a key role in the tournament as part of the Chief Adjudicator Panel (CAP), and Humoyun Abuvahobov successfully broke as a judge.

Congratulations to the winners and the entire SDS team for yet another achievement. Special thanks to all the debaters who took part in this tournament:  Ahn Quynh, Jamolliddin Ergash-zoda, Boburmirzo Sirojiddinov, Le Hoang Giang, Leilt Assefa, Shakhriyor Janibekov, Sulagna Banerjee, and Elizaveta Sungurova.