SolBridge News

Spring 2014 SolBridge Asian Thought Leaders Case Competition Kicks Off

Category : [2014]| Writer : 관리자 | Date : 2014.03.26 | Hit : 70,430

The Spring 2014 SolBridge Asian Thought Leaders Case Competition got underway Monday morning, March 24th with an opening ceremony and welcome speech from President and Vice Chancellor, Dr. John Endicott in the 4th floor auditorium followed by a lecture from LG’s Jason Yoon who presented the case study for the competition.

In his address to distinguished guests, faculty, and Case Competition participants, Dr. Endicott talked briefly about SolBridge’s mission to educate the next generation of Asian Thought Leaders and the significance of such a competition which mirrors SolBridge’s mission statement as well as its vision.

Thirty-two students from seven Asian universities—Hong Kong Polytechnic University (China), National Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan), Bangkok University (Thailand), Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia), Meiji University (Japan), SiChuan University (China) and SolBridge International School of Business—as well as one European university—ESC Rennes School of Business (France)—are competing in the five-day event which will culminate with the case study presentations on the second to last day.

During the competition, students will be given a real world problem from a Korean company. Students will present their solutions through analysis and team work under the guidance of SolBridge professors. SolBridge professors are also the judges of this competition.

The overall objective of the competition is to educate the Asian Thought Leaders in Asian countries; enhance collaborations among Asian business schools, and create a global network among Asian Thought Leaders.