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SolBridge News
Tran Trang Linh: MSMA Valedictorian Class of 2019
Firstof all, I want to say congratulation to all graduates of Fall 2019. Our journeyat SolBridge might last one year, two years or four years. However, durationdoes not say anything; what matters is what we have learned here, at SolBridge.Oneof our professors once said to us: "Garbage in, garb...
Mukhammad Egamkulov: BBA Valedictorian Class of 20...
Good morning. Mr. Chairman,President Endicott, the Dean, Professors, Faculty members, Staff, parents,friends and most of all distinguished class of 2019, welcome to thiscommencement. It is an honor and privilege for me to stand in front of you andrecall the memories and accomplishments of our ...
Erin Rebecca McVay: MBA Valedictorian Class of 201...
Good morning and welcome fellowgraduates, faculty, and guests.When I was asked to speak today, I wasboth honored and excited. I really wanted to write a speech that would bethought-provoking and profound. Maybe it would have a few jokes or wittycomments for comedic effect, possibly endin...
SolBridge signs Cooperation with Daejeon Technopar...
To tap into thedynamic innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem of Daejeon, on December 12,2019, SolBridge entered into a strategic partnership with one of South Korea’sleading technological institutions, Daejeon Technopark.DaejeonTechnopark is a prominent innovation hub that focuses on suppo...
2019 SolBridge Chinese Proficiency Competition
On December 11th 2019, SolBridge hosted thisyear’s Chinese Proficiency Competition in collaboration with the ConfuciusInstitute of Woosong University.Under the theme ‘Singing Chinese songs andtelling Chinese stories,’ the competition attracted 36 teams. Conducted in tworounds, participants ...
2019 SolBridge Startup Business Plan Competition
To cultivatethe entrepreneurial spirit at SolBridge, SolBridge Startup Club (UniSol) incollaboration with Professor Jinseob Oh organised this year's Startup BusinessPlan Competition. The competitiongathered a total of 15 teams; 10 from ‘Understanding Startups Business Class’and f...
2019 Global Business English Competition at SolBri...
Last week, 28th November 2019 marked the end of the three-roundGlobal Business English Competition hosted by SolBridge General Educationprogram. The competition was a great opportunity for SolBridge BBA students totest their English abilities. In round one, studentsmust pass a business En...
New Academic Partnership – Alba Graduate Business ...
Followinga visit to Greece in September 2019, SolBridge is pleased to sign cooperationagreements with Alba Graduate Business School, Athens, Greece.Foundedin 1992 and closely linked to the Greek business community and industry, Albaoffers numerous MBA and MSc degrees, counts about 4,000 alumni...
International Business Plan Competition 2019
From October 27th October to 2nd November2019, SolBridge International School of Business hosted the 7th InternationalBusiness Plan Competition. 96 undergraduate students from 21 distinguishedpartner universities - representing 33 nationalities - participated in thisevent. Teams had two days t...
Internship Opportunity under the Disney College Pr...
SolBridge is glad to announce the signing ofuniversity agreement between Woosong University and Florida State University(FSU) in coordination with SolBridge Career Development Center (CDC). With thispartnership, SolBridge students can undertake an internship with the DisneyCollege Progra...