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Business Without Borders
Leadershipin a changing world was the topic of a very informative and insightful PlatinumLecture by Mr. Christopher Wood, Representative Director and General ManagerEstee Lauder Companies, Korea.“Whatkind of leader do you want to be?” Wood asked before a crowded auditorium. “Youhave to ask ...
Sharing our Similarities; Celebrating our Differen...
One of the highlights of the school year at SolBridge is the annualCulture Day celebration which is held at the end of the fall semester.This celebration showcases SolBridge’s diversity and the unique culturalbackgrounds of our students which is what makes the day special for students,faculty...
Fall 2015 International Business Case Competition
Fall 2015 International Business CaseCompetition For three days, fortystudents from twelve nations and representing fourteen universities competed inSolBridge’s Fall 2015 International Business Case Competition.The students, whocomprised ten teams, were given a “real” case study ...
2015 Woosong Educational Foundation Award!
Prof. Mahmood A. Awan’s contributions to theWoosong Education Foundation ProfAwan joined Woosong Education Foundation (WEF) in 2011 bringing with himextensive experience in both, Industry as well as Academics. Due to hisprevious experience in teaching diversified group of students, Prof ...
2015 Woosong Educational Foundation Scholarship Aw...
Dear SolBridgers: We will be celebrating the Woosong Educational Foundation's 61st Anniversary tomorrow. The Foundation has selected 6 SolBridge students this year for its annual scholarship award. We are very happy to extend our congratulations to the following students: ...
Welcome Back Alumni!
Welcome Back Alumni! SolBridge welcomed backfive alumni who shared their work and education experience after graduating.During the four-hourprogram, which included smaller breakout sessions with students, Hee-chul Kim(BBA graduate, June 2012), Mei Yin (BBA graduate, December 2013), Thi Nhu Quyn...
Good Morning, SolBridgers!
GoodMorning, SolBridgers! In what has fast become a tradition at SolBridge,members of the faculty and staff greeted students in the lobby on the first dayof classes. In addition, three hundred “breakfasts” – a pastry and milk—werehanded out to students as they entered the buildin...
Welcome SolBridgers!
The Fall 2015 semester officially gotunderway with a Welcome Convocation in SolBridge’s auditorium on the lastFriday in August. In one of the school’s largest convocationceremonies thus far, over 200 freshmen took an oath to do their best whilestudying at SolBridge. During the cere...
“SolBridgers, Together for Nepal” Campaign
“SolBridgers,Together for Nepal” Campaign Followingthe devastating earthquake which struck Nepal this past spring, the SolBridgecommunity responded with their hearts and wallets.Thenews of the earthquake stirred in the need to start a special campaign tosupport the people who have been a...
Beta Gamma Sigma Induction Ceremony Held
Beta Gamma Sigma Induction Ceremony Held An induction ceremony for SolBridge’s topstudents into Beta Gamma Sigma, an international business honorary society, wasrecently held.During the brief ceremony, nine students wereofficially inducted into the honor society. Dr. Bill Hunsaker from ...