Events & Excursions

Students from the National University of Malaysia (UKM) Visit SolBridge

Students from the National University of Malaysia ...

 On March 15, a group of students from the National University of Malaysia visited SolBridge. The university is hosting a program called "Knowing Asean+3" in which a group of students and faculty members are required to visit a foreign country to observe and learn about the education and busine...

| 2012.03.16
SolBridge Toastmasters Club gains their Charter status

SolBridge Toastmasters Club gains their Charter st...

 SolBridge International School of Business fosters a vibrant extra curricula environment, where students are encouraged to develop their leadership skills through clubs and a wide variety of team-based activities. One particular group that has grown in membership and reputation during the last...

| 2012.02.22
SolBridge Entrepreneurs Making Big Differences With Small Actions Working With

SolBridge Entrepreneurs Making Big Differences Wit...

 Small change can make big differences and through the simple gesture of donating the small change in their pockets, SolBridge students have engaged in active social entrepreneurship: supporting needy entrepreneurs in emerging economies around the world.The “Support Needy Entrepreneurs” proje...

| 2012.01.20
Graduation Ceremonies Held

Graduation Ceremonies Held

On December 12, 2011, SolBridge held its sixth commencement ceremony conferring MBA and BBA degrees on twenty-five students.In his opening address, Dr. John Endicott, President of Woosong University, reminded graduates and others in attendance of the significance of studying at SolBridge and all the...

| 2012.01.06
Astonishing experience from NSU Asian BP 2011 held in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Astonishing experience from NSU Asian BP 2011 held...

“Yes, it is not a world trophy, but it means life for us.We present to you the trophy of NSU Asian BP 2011”Quote by convening committee during the opening ceremony at the Asian British Parliamentary debate tournament held at the North South University (NSU) in Dhaka Bhagladesh, December, 2011 Duri...

| 2012.01.05
Visit to the Yunus Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh by two SolBridge students

Visit to the Yunus Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh by ...

 On December 13, 2011, two students of Entrepreneurship at SolBridge International School of Business, JuSeung Yi (Daniel) and MinJae Kim (MJ), visited the world renowned Yunus Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh.The Yunus Centre, ( and also on Facebook: http://www.muhamm...

| 2012.01.05
Winter Donation for Daejeon Homeless Center

Winter Donation for Daejeon Homeless Center

 SolBridge students give away some of the clothes that they no longer use to become the warmth as the SUN to many who are shivering in the darkness of winter! "THE SUN" Winter Donation for Daejeon Homeless Center SolBridge - 2nd Floor, During Lunch time SolGeo - All sit...

| 2012.01.04
AIM Certification Review Courses

AIM Certification Review Courses

In today’s job market, obtaining a desirable position in the business world is extremely competitive, especially so for new graduates with limited or no prior job experience. SolBridge believes that achieving a professional certification, in addition to graduating, will give our students an advanta...

| 2011.12.18
AIM Certification Projects at SolBridge

AIM Certification Projects at SolBridge

AIM Certification Review Courses at SolBridge International School of BusinessIn today’s job market, obtaining a desirable position in the business world is extremely competitive, especially so for new graduates with limited or no prior job experience. SolBridge believes that achieving a profession...

| 2011.12.17
Dr. Aye Mengistu Wins Top Honors at the 2011 Anna World Congress and Expo

Dr. Aye Mengistu Wins Top Honors at the 2011 Anna ...

In the first week of December 2011, Dr. Aye Mengistu won top honors for his paper, Quality of Institutions and FDI Inflow: Evidence from Asian Economies at the International Conference on International Business, Finance, Marketing & Management Research for the 2011 Anna World Congress and Expo, ...

| 2011.12.17