Special Lecture

World of consulting: Its Attraction and Preparation to be a Consultant

World of consulting: Its Attraction and Preparatio...

 In the world of consulting, the key to success is to help executives handle issues and provide them with strategies how to win.“We create ideas and translate them into action,” said Song Khee-hong, Managing Partner with Deloitte Consulting Korea, one of the largest consulting firms in the wo...

| 2012.03.20
Charm Lee “charms” Solbridge Faculty and Students

Charm Lee “charms” Solbridge Faculty and Student...

 One of the biggest challenges many Asian societies are facing these days is the loss of culture and identity.“It’s the downside to economic development,” said Charm Lee, President and CEO of the Korean Tourism Organization. “People don’t take enough time to reflect. They don’t have enoug...

| 2011.12.21
Masterclass Developing Intercultural Awareness

Masterclass Developing Intercultural Awareness

 Recently, Dr Dawn Davies, who is the Intercultural Consultant for SolBridge International School of Business invited a few students to join her in a Master Class in Intercultural Management, led by Dr. Fons Trompenaars from the Erasmus University--Rotterdam School of Management in the Netherla...

| 2011.12.17
Lieutenant General John D. Johnson

Lieutenant General John D. Johnson

 Leadership can be defined any number of ways, but when it comes to leadership in today’s ever-changing business world, tomorrow’s business leaders need to be self-reflective according to Lieutenant General John D. Johnson, Commanding General, Eighth U.S. Army.“We need to look back at oursel...

| 2011.12.17
Chairman John Walker - Macquarie

Chairman John Walker - Macquarie

 The key to success in today’s ever-changing business world, according to John Walker, Executive Director at Macquarie Group Limited and Chairman of Macquarie Group of Companies, Korea is diversity.“We should be constantly innovating and changing,” Walker said, “because the market is not st...

| 2011.12.17
Achieving Marketing Excellence Through Superior Service

Achieving Marketing Excellence Through Superior Se...

 Professor A. "Parsu" Parasuraman of the University of Miami is one of the most influential scholars in service quality management field. His research interests include defning,measuring and leveraging service quality and strategies for effectively marketing technology-based products and servic...

| 2011.04.01
Distinguished Lecture Series : Globalization and Higher Education

Distinguished Lecture Series : Globalization and H...

 SolBridge International School of Business is proud to welcome the first speaker in this new series, Dr. John Lie, former Dean of the School of International and Areas Studies, from UC Berkeley. Dr. Lie was born in South Korea, grew up in Japan and Hawaii and received his PhD in Sociology from...

| 2011.01.04