SolBridge News

SolBridge Alumni Rustam Karimjonov appointed Deputy Minister of Public Education

SolBridge Alumni Rustam Karimjonov appointed Deput...

SolBridge is delighted for the appointment of its alumnus  Rustam Karimjonov from Uzbekistan as Deputy Minister of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Before this appointment, Rustam worked with the Ministry of Public Education as the director of the center of Innovation, Technology...

2020 | 2020.06.15
SolBridge signs MOU with Daejeon Metropolitan Express Transit Corporation

SolBridge signs MOU with Daejeon Metropolitan Expr...

As part of our continuing efforts to growindustry partnerships in Daejeon, SolBridge signed a Memorandum ofUnderstanding with Daejeon Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation (DJET) onJune 3, 2020.The DJET Corporation, which manages the subwaynetwork in Daejeon, is committed to improving its service f...

2020 | 2020.06.05
Looking for Creative Interns | Woosong Internship Academy 2020

Looking for Creative Interns | Woosong Internship ...

 Are you a prospective graduate? Acquire a meaningful and valuable work experience by joining the Woosong Internship Academy. Submit your applications to Applications are open from 20 -27 May 2020. 

2020 | 2020.05.18
SolBridge signs Cooperation with Nemo Partners

SolBridge signs Cooperation with Nemo Partners

 On Wednesday, 8th April 2020, SolBridge expanded her corporatenetwork by signing an MOU agreement with NEMO Partners, a prominent consultingfirm in Korea. This strategic partnership will avail various opportunities toSolBridge students and faculty including internship opportunities at NEMOPart...

2020 | 2020.04.09
Important Announcement: New dates for Spring 2020 Semester

Important Announcement: New dates for Spring 2020 ...

 Inresponse to the recent spike in cases of COVID-19 and per guidelines from theMinistry of Education, Woosong University will be adjusting the Spring 2020Academic Calendar as follows:- Start of the Spring2020 semester is postponed for one more week. The expected start date forclasses is Monday...

2020 | 2020.03.02
SolBridge competes in the World Universities Debate Championship (WUDC)

SolBridge competes in the World Universities Debat...

 WorldUniversities Debate Championship (WUDC) is the largest and most prestigiousdebate tournament in the world attracting prominent schools including HarvardUniversity, London School of Economics (LSE), University of Oxford, Universityof Cambridge and Stanford University. The annual tournament...

2020 | 2020.01.07
Tran Trang Linh: MSMA Valedictorian Class of 2019

Tran Trang Linh: MSMA Valedictorian Class of 2019

 Firstof all, I want to say congratulation to all graduates of Fall 2019. Our journeyat SolBridge might last one year, two years or four years. However, durationdoes not say anything; what matters is what we have learned here, at SolBridge.Oneof our professors once said to us: "Garbage in, garb...

2019 | 2019.12.18
Mukhammad Egamkulov: BBA Valedictorian Class of 2019

Mukhammad Egamkulov: BBA Valedictorian Class of 20...

 Good morning. Mr. Chairman,President Endicott, the Dean, Professors, Faculty members, Staff, parents,friends and most of all distinguished class of 2019, welcome to thiscommencement. It is an honor and privilege for me to stand in front of you andrecall the memories and accomplishments of our ...

2019 | 2019.12.18
Erin Rebecca McVay: MBA Valedictorian Class of 2019

Erin Rebecca McVay: MBA Valedictorian Class of 201...

  Good morning and welcome fellowgraduates, faculty, and guests.When I was asked to speak today, I wasboth honored and excited. I really wanted to write a speech that would bethought-provoking and profound. Maybe it would have a few jokes or wittycomments for comedic effect, possibly endin...

2019 | 2019.12.17
SolBridge signs Cooperation with Daejeon Technopark

SolBridge signs Cooperation with Daejeon Technopar...

 To tap into thedynamic innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem of Daejeon, on December 12,2019, SolBridge entered into a strategic partnership with one of South Korea’sleading technological institutions, Daejeon Technopark.DaejeonTechnopark is a prominent innovation hub that focuses on suppo...

2019 | 2019.12.16