In Focus

September 2018 SolBridge Alumni Highlight: Nurzhan Serik

September 2018 SolBridge Alumni Highlight: Nurzhan...

 This month we recognize Nurzhan Serika SolBridge alumnus from Kazakhstan. Nurzhan is a Valuation and Strategy Consultant atPricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Kazakhstan. PwC is a multinational professionalservices network with headquarters in the United Kingdom and one of the BigFour auditors in th...

| 2018.09.27
July 2018 SolBridge Alumni Highlight: Victor Mwarania

July 2018 SolBridge Alumni Highlight: Victor Mwara...

Victor Mwarania isa SolBridge alumnus from Kenya. He is currently the Regional Business Developerfor New Markets (Africa) with the Prysmian Group, a global company with itsheadquarters in Italy. Prysmian Group is the largest cable manufacturingcompany in the world. Victor startedhis career in S...

| 2018.09.18
August 2018 Alumni Highlight: Rustam Karimjonov

August 2018 Alumni Highlight: Rustam Karimjonov

 This month we recognize Rustam Karimjonov a SolBridge alumnusfrom Uzbekistan. Rustam is working with the Ministry of Public Education of theRepublic of Uzbekistan as a Reforms Expert and previously an IT entrepreneur,founder and VP Project Manager of a cloud-based ERP/CRM Software Company. Ast...

| 2018.08.30
Catching up with Mr. Ragnar Siil, Lecturer at Estonian Business School

Catching up with Mr. Ragnar Siil, Lecturer at Esto...

Ragnar Siil is theFounder and Managing Partner of Creativity Lab - International Cultural Policyand Creative Industries think tank and consultancy. He has conducted workshopsand trainings, and advised governments, cultural operators and creativeentrepreneurs in more than 25 countries in Europe, Asia...

| 2018.06.12
A Student's Experience: An Exchange Semester in the Czech Republic

A Student's Experience: An Exchange Semester in th...

 Our Student YoungEun Koo shares her study abroadexperience at the Metropolitan University of Prague, Czech Republic one of the newstudy abroad destinations for SolBridge students.“I am delighted that I chose to come to the CzechRepublic of Prague as an exchange student. I had an option o...

| 2018.05.17
A Student’s Experience: Studying in Belgium as An Exchange Student

A Student’s Experience: Studying in Belgium as An...

 Hanna Lee, one of our BBA students studying at ourpartner University, Thomas More University College in Belgium shares with us herexperience of being an exchange student in Belgium. “I’m Hanna Lee and I am now living in Belgium as anexchange student. I’m currently studying at the Thomas Mor...

| 2018.05.10
Study Trip to Nanyang Technological University: A Student’s Experience

Study Trip to Nanyang Technological University: A ...

 During the Wintervacation, a few SolBridge students spent a busy week at Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity (NTU), Singapore, to learn further about start-ups and visit twosignificant NTU spin-offs. Haeun Woo, a BBA student originally from Korea,shares with us her experience of visiting Southeast...

| 2018.03.14
A Student’s Experience: My  Winter Vacation, from  France to Indonesia

A Student’s Experience: My Winter Vacation, from...

Aysha Muminova, one of our BBA students, maximised herWinter vacation by visiting two of SolBridge’s partner universities, BurgundySchool of Business (BSB), France, and BINUS University, Indonesia. She activelyparticipated in an Entrepreneurship camp and joined the Asian English Olympics.She shares...

| 2018.03.07