In Focus

SolBridge Alumni Highlight: Bobir Muratov

SolBridge Alumni Highlight: Bobir Muratov

This month werecognize Bobir Muratov, SolBridge alumnus from Uzbekistan. Bobir is currentlythe Deputy Head of Academic Affairs and Admissions at Inha University inTashkent, Uzbekistan, and a Ph.D. researcher at Universiti Sains, Malaysia.  His research isfocused on the internationalization of h...

| 2021.07.15
MBA Student’s Experience at SolBridge

MBA Student’s Experience at SolBridge

  Chuka Victor Chukwu, a recent MBAgraduate at SolBridge and Valedictorian for the Spring 2020 graduating class,shares his student experience. “I am Chuka Victor Chukwu, a financeMBA major while at SolBridge. At the undergraduate level, I studied maritimemanagement technology and che...

| 2020.07.30
Mirella Santos de Oliveira: April 2020 SolBridge Alumni Highlight

Mirella Santos de Oliveira: April 2020 SolBridge A...

  This month SolBridge recognizes Ms. Mirella Santos deOliveira, a SolBridge BBA graduate, Spring 2016, and currently an ApplicationIT Manager at Greenpeace International in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Upongraduation, Mirella worked in multiple Tech Startups in San Francisco,Australia, Slovaki...

| 2020.04.29
Ruslan Tursunov:  March 2020 SolBridge Alumni Highlight

Ruslan Tursunov: March 2020 SolBridge Alumni High...

  This month we recognize SolBridge MBA graduate class of2012 from Uzbekistan Ruslan Tursunov. Ruslan is currently working as theProject Manager at Intralink Group, a UK based consultancy company. AtIntralink, he focuses mainly on life sciences and med-tech projects, includingdigital healt...

| 2020.03.30
Nadejda Kim: January 2020 SolBridge Alumni Highlight

Nadejda Kim: January 2020 SolBridge Alumni Highlig...

  Thismonth we recognize Nadejda Kim a SolBridge alumna from Uzbekistan. Nadejda iscurrently the Academic Associate for MBA and EMBA programs at NazarbayevUniversity Graduate School of Business, Kazakhstan. Ongraduating from SolBridge, Nadejda joined DK-Lock corporation office in Seoulas a...

| 2020.01.30
November 2019 SolBridge Alumni Highlight: Zhuowen Peng

November 2019 SolBridge Alumni Highlight: Zhuowen ...

 This month we would like to recognizeZhuowen (Zoe) Peng, a SolBridge alumna from China. Zhuowen is currently theHead of China Region, Bithumb Global. Bithumb aims to become a comprehensive digital financial cooperation based on blockchain. Since its launch, Bithumb has developed from a Korea-f...

| 2019.11.28
September 2019 SolBridge Alumni Highlight: Akhil Kashinath

September 2019 SolBridge Alumni Highlight: Akhil K...

 This month we would like to recognize Akhil Kashinath, aSolBridge alumnus from India. Akhil is currently facilitating the launch of UKbased essential oils and aromatherapy brand, Absolute Aromas to the Indian market as a General Manager.  He started his international career while sti...

| 2019.09.26
July 2019 SolBridge Alumni Highlight: Polina Kriuchkova

July 2019 SolBridge Alumni Highlight: Polina Kriuc...

  This month we would like to recognizeSolBridge alumna Polina Kriuchkova from Russia. Polina is the Account Manager& Design Lead at G3 Partners ( a Seoul-based marketingand PR agency purposed to help Korean startups expand overseas as well assupporting corporations...

| 2019.07.31